Inspired by the British tradition of placing students in houses to foster community, camaraderie, and friendly competition, New College has established four houses into which students and faculty are sorted by lot—An Doras, Rowan, Trinity, and Sinai. These houses form the foundation for student life at NCF as each group coordinates student activities, parties, lunches and events. While a faculty member officially leads each house, students & house officers are primarily responsible for the planning and execution of the events, making the experience truly student-focused. In the spirit of Christian charity and discipleship, the houses are also a hub of service unto the whole body of the college.
Houses are a mix of students from different years, allowing for community to form between the college as a whole. Incoming students are sorted into houses by lot, allowing for equal men and women, by drawing the name of their house from the House Cup. Each year, the houses compete in a House Cup Competition, designed to foster healthy competition between the houses. The House Cup Competition features activities from a 5K to a poetry competition, allowing for students with different giftings to contribute.
The houses serve as communities in miniature within the college. Each year these houses hold events and look for means to serve fellow collegians as well as the community. We have several feasts throughout the year, including St. Augustine’s Day Feast, St. Catherine’s Day Feast, Yuletide Feast, St. Patrick’s Day Feast, Winter Ball, St. George’s Day Feast, and End of Year Feast. Feasts include delicious food, games, songs, poetry, toasts, and sometimes dancing! Outside of feast days the college and student houses enjoy camping trips, concerts, poetry competitions, dances, trivia nights, and competitions of all sorts. We also have a student choir and orchestral ensemble, which perform at local events and for our Prospective Weeks and Graduation service.
An Doras House
An Doras House hosts the annual St. Patrick’s Day Feast. This celebration is an occasion to eat a traditional Irish meal cooked by students, listen to traditional Irish music played by students, and compete in a limerick competition. An Doras house also holds a costume and pie baking competition in the fall.
Motto: In Omnibus, Facetia et Festivitate
Head of House: Mr. Nathan Johnson
Symbol: The Door
Color: Green
Patron Saint: St. Patrick
Virtues: Hospitality, Generosity, and Good Humor
Rowan House has taken charge of the Founders Day celebration, marking the official inauguration of the college, held as the St. George’s Day feast including traditional Turkish foods. Rowan also hosts the scavenger hunt in the fall.
Motto: Veritas et Charitas Cum Audax
Head of House: Mr. Greg Wilbur
Symbol: The Rowan Tree
Colors: Black, Silver, and Crimson
Patron Saint: St. George
Virtues: Truth, Love, and Courage
Trinity House kicks off the school year with the annual St. Augustine’s Feast including barbecue and dancing. They also host a game night in the spring.
Motto: Sola Gratia Vincit
Head of House: Mr. Brandon Spun
Symbol: The Three Towers of the Fortress Church
Colors: Blue and White
Patron Saint: St. Augustine
Virtues: Grace, Fealty, and Zeal
Sinai House
Sinai House is our newest house, currently in its inaugural year. They will host the first St. Catherine’s Day feast in the fall and are excited to establish traditions of house points events.
Motto: Diligite Iustitiam Qui Iudicatis Terram
Head of House: Dr. Carolyn Weber
Symbol: The Ten Commandments
Colors: Purple, Gold
Patron Saint: St. Catherine of Alexandria
Virtues: Wisdom, Meekness, and Wit