What if college wasn’t just about getting a piece of paper or training for a career?
What if college wasn’t just a series of lectures and tests, but a rich engagement in original works and life-giving conversation?
What if college was an opportunity to wrestle with the great ideas that have shaped our world?
What if college wasn’t merely about knowing, but being known?
What if college was about discipleship and coming to a deeper knowledge of God?
What if college had the flexibility to craft a curriculum based on what is true, and good, and beautiful; to engage the heart as well as the mind; to seek virtue; to behold wondrous things and respond in gratitude?
What if New College Franklin is the college for you?
March 2-3, 2025
Spring Prospective Student Days
Visiting students and families will have an opportunity to attend classes, talk with professors and staff, hear formal presentations about the college, as well as enjoy rich fellowship with current students. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the school in its organic life and begin to build relationships with those who are a part of the college community.
All events are held at New College Franklin unless otherwise noted. Times and activities are tentative and subject to change.
Sunday, March 2
4:30pm | Welcome and Introduction to NCF
6:00pm | Dinner
7:30pm | NCF Student Choir & Orchestra Performance
Monday, March 3
8:00 am | Arrival and Welcome
8:30 am | Sitting in on Classes
10:00 am | Daily Prayer Service
10:30 am | Sitting in on Classes
12:00 pm | Lunch with Students and Faculty
1:30 pm | Philosophy & Curriculum of NCF and Q & A
3:30 pm | Free Time in Franklin and Dinner Break
6:30 pm | New College Franklin Community Event: Arts Discussion

What better way to understand New College Franklin than to come to campus, experience classes, meet the faculty and students, and walk around downtown Franklin? New College Franklin welcomes prospective students, family, and friends. Contact us with the form below to schedule a visit!
Scheduled visitors are welcome to sit in on classes, meet with students, alumni, faculty, and administrators as well as tour our campus. We highly recommend visiting our campus any time of the year. You can join us for our Fall or Spring Prospective Weekends, but you are welcome to schedule a visit any time.